Its fact time! Q: Did any dinosaurs live in the snow? Onithochirus. A: Last December Irvine asked a similar question to this, about dinosaurs living in polar regions. This question is close enough that I thought I’d re-post, as it is a very interesting question. The climate of the Mesozoic was very warm, and it is likely that snow would have been found only in the polar regions. With that said.. here is your answer:
When most people think of dinosaurs they think of really hot, humid jungles and high temperature. Yes, the Earth was quite a bit hotter in the Mesozoic than it is now, but different climates existed and dinosaurs didn’t only live in one of them.
We didn’t have any evidence of arctic dinosaurs until the 1960s when footprints were found on an island between Norway and the North Pole. Since then paleontologists have uncovered dinosaur bones in both polar regions. We don’t know much about the polar dinosaurs but we do know that they were well adapted to the environment and thrived there.
Many different dinosaurs lived in these regions but one stands out in particular. About half of all dinosaur species found in Australia (Southern Australia was polar at the time) are hypsilophodontids. They were small, fast little theropods ~Jordanisaac1
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