Friday, April 2, 2010

Webosaurs Blog Search for: Comedy Day Matinee Wackiness – Saturday

Finally a bit of respect for Europe:

This Friday we’re having another Comedy Day Matinee! Yes, this is just like Comedy Night except we’re doing it at 12:00 WST on Saturday. We hate to have our European friends miss out on all the comedy madness and this is their chance to join us for an event of laughs.

This week’s Comedy Day theme will be WACKY! Get crazy with it and be ready for some wacky, off-the-wall zingers.

All dinos will have a chance to come up on stage and tell one joke for the crowd! Once every has had a turn the judges will pick three winners to win cheesey trophies! Of course, its not really about the competition but more about who can get other dinos to shoot milk out of their nose from laughing.

Come join us at 12:00 WST in the Lizard Lounge at Webo Ridge. We’ll be in the Jurassic server ~Jordanisaac1

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please dont sware,in any way be racist,Please dont talk bad about this blog Ii spent a long time making it and its not popular yet i really need your kind words

Wiglington And Wenks