Monday, January 10, 2011

Game of the Week – Hit The Crocs!

Smack 'em!

Last week we were sharpening our mental skills by playing games of Dino Match. This week, especially after Spike’s crazy visit to the Island, we’re going to start working on our hand-eye coordination. How many crocs can you bash? Well, the more crocs you bash, the more coins you’ll be headed home with. Bash crocs… get coins…. It’s as simple as that.

Most of you know, but Hit the Crocs is located in Croc. Peninsula (makes sense right?) and you can play as many times as you want this week to bring home the bacon. Just keep in mind that there are going to be some high-priced items released soon, so you’d better save up! To the crocs!

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please dont sware,in any way be racist,Please dont talk bad about this blog Ii spent a long time making it and its not popular yet i really need your kind words

Wiglington And Wenks