Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Year Cave Contest Winners!

Hey gang! Happy New Year again, what a great cave contest, as usual, Horns had a terrible time trying to select winners. I must say this was a pretty difficult Cave Contest. The new year means a lot of different things to different people, we saw a lot of fireworks and a lot of signs saying 2011, even a Cowosaurus Shrine, I’m not sure that’s what the new year means to me, but hey, who am I to judge? I’m looking forward to a lot of excellent cave contests in the new year. Any ideas as to what we should do for our next one? Leave your comments on this post.

Members Winner: Tarbo

Members Runner Up: Ignodude

Non-members Winner: Ilikebugs

Non-member Runner Up: Clatcher

Congrats to all of our winners! Keep an eye our for your banners and stay tuned for the next Cave Contest!

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please dont sware,in any way be racist,Please dont talk bad about this blog Ii spent a long time making it and its not popular yet i really need your kind words

Wiglington And Wenks