Thursday, January 6, 2011

Design a Cave Item Contest!

Now THAT'S a cave item!

Hey gang, it’s time for our next big Webosaurs Contest! This week, we’re going to be designing our very own cave items! Our very own pal PERcY suggested the idea so make sure you thank old Percy-perc. Everyone will have a week to submit their most creative designs for a cave item and the winning item will be sent to our artists for a touch up and then turned into a cave item that we will give away with a scavenger hunt! How cool is that??? If your item is the winner, everyone who completes the scavenger hunt will have your item in their caves! We’ve got some wacky cave items coming out this month and we’re looking for creativity in all of the items that you all design. After you all submit your item designs, we will post them on the blog and put them up for a vote. The item with the most votes will be declared the winner and will make its way into the game. I’m so excited to see how creative we all can get and which item will win! If you have any questions leave them as comments and I’ll answer them! Woot, now get designing!

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please dont sware,in any way be racist,Please dont talk bad about this blog Ii spent a long time making it and its not popular yet i really need your kind words

Wiglington And Wenks