Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Weekly Environmental Fact: Right Whale Saved!

Free Righty!

Another very cool piece of positive news involving our endangered mammal friends! This time it involves the specific case of a 30 foot long right whale that was in serious trouble off the coast of Florida. This is not the actual whale that was in trouble, but another similar creature found itself tangled up in over 150 feet of fishing rope that was wrapped around it’s head and body. A disentanglement team tracked down the beautiful beast off the coast of Florida near Orlando and removed and cut the ropes that were tangling the poor whale. They were not able to free the whale completely, but after removing most of the rope the whale was able to free itself.

There are only about 300-400 right whales left on the globe and they are considered the most endangered species of whale on the planet. Being hit by boats and getting tangled up in fishing line are the two biggest threats to right whales, so this one was very lucky to have escaped and so are we! With so few left on earth it’s really important to ensure the survival of each and every one! While this is one positive case in which a whale was saved, these creatures are clearly very endangered and will need our help if they are going to survive. As usual leave comments about how you would help the right whale and what environmental fact you’d like to read about next week. Keep on bluggin’ gang!

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please dont sware,in any way be racist,Please dont talk bad about this blog Ii spent a long time making it and its not popular yet i really need your kind words

Wiglington And Wenks